
New Year resolutions – yes or no?

As we say goodbye to 2023 and say hello to 2024 in a matter of hours, it’s this time that people start to make their New Years resolutions for the year ahead. Resolutions are something I have not properly thought about before, but I thought to give it a go for 2024. So here are a few I am thinking of, things I want to keep up with and some I need to start working more on.

  • Focus on self care – Hair , face and mental health 
  • Less lie ins – Early mornings
  • Morning Walks
  • More blog writing 
  • Find a job
  • Drinking more water
  • Be more productive
  • No more impulse buying
  • Cutting down on sugar
  • Cut down on procrastination
  • Keep up with my love for cooking

The cringe saying but “New Year = New Me” – I want to be the best version of myself.

Despite the resolutions, they are not something to focus on and worry about. New years eve is just any old normal day, if you are a 10pm bedtime kind of person then thats the best type of you to be, have a great new year and welcome 2024 the best way you can.


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