Book Club


It really makes you think about your own happy place and what is important to you in life.

This is my first Emily Henry book and I will be reading more. I was hooked from the start, was slightly slow in the middle and by the end I just could’t put it down until I was done.

Happy Place eventually got to some meat at the end which left me with a better taste in my mouth than I was at halfway, but I still wish there had been more to the story throughout. The middle felt like we were missing something where the filler chapters of the past could of shown a bit more about why the couple broke up rather than waiting till the end.

The book showcased a lot of realistic conversations surrounding growing up, love and relationships, grief, depression, friendship and much more. The chapters jump between the present day and the past, telling the story of Harriet and Wyn as well as how all the friends became so close.

The heart of the book is the power of friendship and when you need each other most, not to forget your best friends are right there.

I just want you to be happy

The title is ‘Happy Place’ it seems for a few reasons. The most clear is that the house they stay in is their happy place. The place they have shared so many memories as a group.

The more subtle reason is because in a relationship the other person becomes your happy place, your home, your escape from real life.

In this book both of Harriet’s happy places are fading, until the end when they all realise they need to speak about their troubles, don’t let their past happiness change their future happiness.

The close friendships of the three main girls is really heartwarming, and their friend group dynamic is so powerful they can get through anything.

It’s definitely worth the read and will make you smile, emotional and and feel love.


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